(Source: www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/skip-a-year-grade)
skip a year/grade (월반(명사): Grade skipping)
to start a new school year in a class that is one year ahead of the class you would normally enter.
• He was a good enough student to skip a grade in elementary school and later scored 1280 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
(그 사람은 초등학교에서 한 학년 월반을 할 만큼 충분히 좋은 학생이었고 나중에는 SAT에서 1280점을 받았다.)
한 학년 이상으로 월반을 하면 two/three/four.. grades / years 라고 하면 된다.
참고: Source: www.quora.com/How-can-I-skip-two-grades
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