repudiate: 거부하다, 물리치다.
to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable:
He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.
I utterly repudiate those remarks.
The evidence presented at the trial has since been repudiated.
Failure to deliver on time will entitle the buyer to repudiate the contract.
[시간에 맞게 이행하지 못하면 구입자는 계약을 무시할 수 있는 권리를 가지게 된다.]
The Soviet Union repudiated its debt after the 1917 Revolution.
[소비엣 연방은 1917년 혁명이 이후에 빚을 갚지 않아도 된다 / 채무를 이행하지 않아도 된다.]
They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.
[그들은 그가 예전에 믿던 신념들을 갑자기 저벼려서 놀랐다.]
The election results were a repudiation of the generals.
[선거 결과는 그 장군들을 불신한다는 뜻이다]
Where the buyer accepts the seller's breach as a repudiation of the contract, the buyer will be entitled to damages.
to sell your investments or property to make them available in the form of money: 매각하다
Investors have started to liquidate their mutual funds.
[투자자들은 뮤튜얼 펀드 매각을 시작한 상태에 있다.]
if a business liquidates or is liquidated, it is closed so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts: 매각하다
The only way for management to return value to
shareholders in the short term is to liquidate the company and return the cash.
As the customer of a brokerage that's being liquidated, you should receive a warning in the mail or see notices in the newspaper. (a brokerage: 중개업, 중개수수료)
to sell something in order to get cash: 처분하다.
She liquidated the stock and pulled about $10,000 from savings to pay off her debt.
In the event of a reclamation, the Fund may liquidate sufficient shares from a shareholder's account to reimburse the government or the private source.
to pay off a debt:
They were required to liquidate the debt within 30 days ofthe date due.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------notarize: 공증하다.
if a document is notarized, it is signed by a notary public in order to make it official or legal:
Your request must be signed and notarized.
a notarized document/affidavit. (affidavit: (법률) 선서 진술서)
notary: 공증인 / notary office: 공증 사무소