Disease enables us to appreciate health.

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

She was instrumental in bringing about the ​prison reform act.

(그녀는 구치소 개혁법을 이끌어 내는 데 핵심적인 역할을 했


As ​secretary of ​state, he was instrumental in the ​creation of ​NATO.

국무 장관이였던 그는 NATO 출범에 있어 중추적인 역할을 했다.)

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

You did a great job as usual.

You didn't disappoint us as usual.

(역시 실망 시키지 않군.)

You are excellent as usual.

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

연애 한지 얼마나 되셨었어요?

How long have you been going out together?

How long have you been dating?


연애 자체를 명사로 사용하려면..

결혼을 전제로 하면 courtship

courtship is undertaken only when both parties are prepared to make a commitment to marriage.

결혼을 전제로 하지 않으면 dating이라고 하면 될듯.

Men and women who choose to date often have no commitment to consider marrying the other person


the ​time when ​people have a ​romantic ​relationship with the ​intention of getting ​married:They had a ​passionate courtship and a ​long, ​loving ​marriage.
 the ​period in which two ​people have a ​romantic ​relationship that often ​leads to ​marriage:[C] They were ​married in 1923 after a ​long courtship.
[그들은 긴 연애 후에 1923년도에 결혼했다.]

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

play second fiddle

to be less ​important or in a ​weaker ​position than someone ​else:

to be in a subordinate position to someone.

if you play second fiddle to someone, they are in a stronger position or are more important than you (usually + to )


I'm not ​prepared to play second ​fiddle to Christina any more - I'm ​looking for another ​job!

[나는 Christina 종노릇 더 할 준비가 전혀 안 되 있거든! 다른 일 알아볼거야!]

 I'm tired of playing second fiddle to John.

 I'm better trained than he, and I have more experience. 

I shouldn't always play second fiddle.


You'll have to choose between your wife and me. I won't play second fiddle to anyone.

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

 I'm sorry, but your work doesn't exactly make the grade. 

[미안합니다. 하신 일의 결과가 기대했던거랑 너무 다른네요.]

This meal doesn't just make the grade. It is excellent.

[식사가 기대에 미치지는 못 했어요. 그래도 좋았어요.]

He wanted to get into medical school but he failed to make 

the grade.

[그는 의대에 가고 싶었는데 성적이 안 되서 가지 못 했다.]

Marvin ​wanted to be an ​actor, but he didn't make the grade.

[Marvin은 배우가 되고 싶어했는 데 배우가 되기에는 충분하

지 못했다.]

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

She slapped him across the face with all the strength she could muster.

(그녀는 낼 수 있는 모든 힘을 내서 그의 뺨을 때렸다)

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

To play to one's strengths is an idiom 

(to mean 'take advantage of what you are good at')].

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

줄자 : tape measure

Legends have a basis in fact.

[전설은 사실을 기반으로 한다.]

The whole class was hanging on the teacher's every word.

[학생들 모두가 그 선생님의 말 하나 하나에 귀를 기울였다.]

I don't mind dead spiders.

[죽은 거미들은 괜찮아.. ]

by the sound of it: 들어보니..


I couldn't bring myself to V:

V할 엄두가 안 나다.

Posted by Korean 마스크맨

Why couldn't you have told us all this yesterday when we were awake?


a tearstained face : 눈물로 범벅이 된 얼굴

Posted by Korean 마스크맨